Sunday 13 November 2011

Plain old simple me

Standing here looking in the mirror
Staring at what Is ment to be me.
Wishing I was something else
Something else people could see.

I don't know what people see but they say different than I see.
I see a plain old simple me
But other see a pretty me.

I'm told my eyes and smile Are pretty
But is that just people being whitty
Do they really see me in that way
Maybe I will to someday.

I wish I could see what others see
I wish I was the perfect me
Nothing can change what I can see
I just see the plain simple me.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Cruel mind

I wake up in the morning tears are running down my face
Is today going to be different or is it in the same place.
I think of all the things that destroy me to the core
I honestly don't know if I can take it anymore
But on I fight the feelings you left me with
Satisfaction is something that I won't give.
You made me have the memories I really do not need
But in the back of my head the memory has a feed
No black bags can I tie them in the Hurt you caused to me
But on with your life you go and no misery you see
If only you knew the damaged that you have caused
Maybe you would have stopped and maybe even paused.
But no instead you broke me and got into my head
The thought will always be with me especially when I go to bed
I wake up in the morning tears are running down my face
I wish you knew how much you've made me feel a disgrace

Phoebe mays 3rd birth angel day x

10 tiny little fingers
10 tiny little toes
2 beautiful eyes and
a beautiful button nose.
That tiny little smile we never got to see
Sometimes I think how beautiful you could have grow to be
You grew your angel wings sooner than should be
Phoebe may I'm hoping that you sit, up there and see.
Upon your cloud above us but you should really be here.
Today you should be here with us celebrating birthday cheers.
Lil spikey would have loved you his big sister you would be.
Jess and Dan miss you their lil sister angel baby.
As for your mummy and daddy no words can now be said
Nothing can take away the sadness they have met.
Precious lil angel don't worry don't be sad.
Your always in our thoughts through the good times and the bad.
So sleep now precious angel but be there for us each day
But you should be here not there on your special birth angel day x

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Forever Angel

Your not here your body has gone
To me you was a number one.
My arms were always open wide
You always was there by my side.

I miss the way you made my day
Now i can only sit and pray
That your angel wings are open wide
And your soul is with me by my side.

I want you here to guide the way
I wish i could find words to say
How much you really mean to me
But maybe in heaven you will see.

My heart is aching cause your not here
i wish you was here to share the cheers
But your alive in my heart and always will be
until the next day that i can see you.

Gone too soon

God gave you angel wings
Only you left precious things
Not only in our minds but
Even deep down in our hearts

Today your missed so dear
One more day out minds unclear
Only you our angel see's out tears

So look over us precious angel
One day we'll meet again
Only next time We'll hold you forever
Never forget out time together.

Broken Heart

You took a piece of my heart
and broke it into two
you held it there right close
to remind you of me and you

Most memories are happy
but some have made us sad
especially when i paddie
and really make you mad

but still that piece of heart you have
will keep us close together
not just the past and present
but now until forever

I've held a piece of your heart
and kept it close to me
i'll have it even when apart
i hope you feel the same as me

I'll love you till forever
Right until the end
I hope we stay together
As you are my best friend.

In memory of Janet Eileen Heap

Joining angels up above
A perfect angel flies like a dove
Nobody knows what to say
Everyone was sad on that day
Together we will try stay strong

Everyday is now going to be hard
I know you'll be our angel guard
Love that you've left in our heart
Each person felt from your part
Eternal love is what you've left
Now you have took the final breath

Having you here so loving and kind
Everyday you'll be on our mind
All of us will miss you so
Please give us strength to let you go

In loving memory of
Janet Eileen Heap

You was the one

You was the one who was there when i needed you most,
You taught me all the things that i needed to know.
You taught me the difference from rights and the wrongs,
You was the one who was there for me.

From the look in your eyes
to the touch of your hand
to the smile on your face
I knew that you wanted me
there by yours side.
Forever yes forever.

I wish

I wish i could have one last hug one last kiss,
one last smile and one last goodbye.
But i cant and i know i cant,
Id do anything to see your face again.
Id do anything to hear your voice.
Just give me a sign tell me your here.
I love and miss you so so much.
My tears will never stop falling for you.
Always in my heart from now until forever.

Grandad Bob

Grandad im sad you have gone
Rest in peace my number one.
All your hugs smiles and kisses
Never to be forgotten my heart misses
Days will never be the same
And ill never forget your name
Daniels music reminds me of you

But my heart will always weap for you
One day we will be together again
Bye bye grandad no longer in pain.

Sleep tight grandad i will always love you 7/4/19 - 13/3/07

Your still here

You may have gone,
But i know your here.
Days must go on,
But your still here.
No sight of you,
But your still here.
Your body has gone,
But your still here.
Your smile has faded,
But your still here.
Always remembered,
But your still here.
Your spirit lives on,
So you have to be here.
Now your body has gone,
But your spirits still here.

Broken empty heart

Why do people have to go,
and leave a empty space.
If only some people would know,
How much you brought us grace.

Lying there on the floor,
No friendly face about.
If only you'd not walked out the door,
We wouldn't do without.

I feel if i'd not made the call,
Then you may be still here smiling.
You wouldn't have had your fall,
And you'd still be here calling.

Now riding heavens highway,
Looking over us all each day.
All i can do is remember good times,
And write poems in my own way

In memory of Neil McCrakan

Now riding heavens highway
Eagle flying in the sky
I wish we could find words to say
Last words accept goodbye.

Memories to be remembered
Cherished moments to
Crazy moments are shared
Remembered by us for you
Another day is over
Keep smiling over us
A shooting star up in the sky
Now time to say goodbye


I'm a person lost in the world,
Someone floating in the sea.
Flying in the sky feeling alone,
Alone in the world just me.

I turn to people when i can,
Even when alone there the poems.
If i was alone the only one,
I'd loose where i was going.

When i cry the tears are silent,
When i smile the frowns still there.
No longer do i feel violent,
Instead inside im scared.

Scared of what could happen,
Scared of things been and gone.
I feel like being in hiding,
Until one day ill smile and run.

past is lost

I start to look back at my life,
The photos bring tears to my eyes.
I feel my life was cut with a knife,
I feel things were just byes.

Looking at my dad and mum,
Nan and grandad to.
It makes me feel all numb inside,
My life i have outgrew.

The happy smiley photos,
The family as it were.
The lovely family motos,
I was a lovely cuddly bear.

I see the changes happening,
The smiles now turn to frowns.
The family units ending,
My heart is sinking down x


Friends are just like angels,
There for you night and day.
They help you with your feelings,
Even when you have a fight.

You could be friends forever,
Or even for a while.
But when you are together,
You could walk and talk for miles.

Laughing at silly thing,
Like strawberries and mater to.
The happiness that you bring,
Makes me feel a friend to you.

This poem may mean nothing,
But this is how i feel.
You are my best friend hunni,
We are the real deal x


Why do i feel so down,
I really want to cry.
I feel my heart is gonna drown,
I feel the need to die.

My life is in such a mess,
I wish things would just stop.
People keep saying aww bless,
I feel i want to drop.

I know my grave is waiting,
Deep down in the ground.
I'm sick of contemplating,
One day i shall be found.

The real me is out there somewhere,
But where i can not see.
I hope i'm somehwere near here,
It's the real me i wanna see.


Sometimes i feel happy,
Sometimes i feel sad.
Sometimes i am crazy,
Sometimes i am mad.

Sometimes life is good,
Sometimes life is bad.
Sometimes i'm in a mood,
Sometimes just simply mad.

Sometimes i end up smiling,
Sometimes i end up frowning.
Sometimes i end up crying,
Sometime i end up laughing.

Sometimes i feel people care,
Sometimes i feel life i cant bare.
Sometimes i feel i wont dare,
Sometimes life just isn't fair.

Lovers wave

We sail the seven seas,
To places far and wide.
It makes you feel at ease,
With me along your side.

Me and you together,
That's how its ment to be.
We are both birds of a feather,
The way people can see.

I love you now and forever,
Together to the end.
I feel when were together,
We are a loving blend.

To me you are my best friend,
A sleeping partner to.
Our love we tend to mend,
I write this from me to you x


Every night you go to bed,
The crazy draeams are in your head.
A night out or a crazy day,
A murder or a death you say.

Somtimes you remember,
Sometimes you just forget.
A snowey day in december,
Or a person you just met.

You close your eyes and go to sleep,
And drift away to knod land.
You fall into that deep deep sleep,
And think about a grand.

Tonight could be a romance,
Tomorrow a thriller or death.
Next time a family party trance,
Maybe next time the final breath.

Partners of the ocean.

Our love is like the ocean,
It spreads out far and wide.
We go on through the motions,
And go out for a dive.

The dolphins swimming in the sea,
Our love togethers ment to be.
A person sat upon your knee
And a loving abled body.

You swim through each others minds,
and never leave one another.
The marriage is the lovers bind,
And then i come a mother.

A baby grows inside my tummy,
A loving father with me.
One day ill be a mummy,
And a father you will be.

Together we will do it,
Our love is ment to be.
This love is us together,
It's all about you and me.


Its a fact of life,
That people die.
People will die in my life,
I really want to cry.

I know it has to happen,
Sometime within my life.
But why the nicest people,
That matter to my life.

The thought scares me so,
That it often makes me sick.
Why do people have to go,
I wish i could take my pick.

Dusk to Dawn

The sun is falling,
The night is coming.
The dark is approaching,
The day is ending.

The owls come out,
The birds go to bed.
I have no doubt,
My thought settle in my head.

The curtains are shut.
The lights are switched on.
Once again the day lights gone.

Another day end,
As another begins.
Times ticking away,
As we start over again.

To daddy

Daddy you mean the world to me,
Although i cant speak i know you see.
My loving smile always makes you happy,
Even when you must change my nappy.

I watch you do things and i learn,
You take a walk and then you turn.
You turn to see me watching you,
Even when you drink a brew.

I'll always be your little boy,
I'll always try to bring you joy.
I'll follow your footprints and learn new things,
I'll learn from you as my life begins.

I love you daddy from now to the end,
I love you daddy my forever friend.

I wrote this poem for fathers day to my partner from Our first son Dylan x

PND poem

If only you could see in my eyes,
The little things i do despise.
The tiny things that make me cry,
But you dont understand why.

Some days i could feel down,
Some days it just brings a frown.
The tears that fall down my face,
I feel like i am a disgrace.

To hold my baby my little boy,
It really should only bring me joy.
But instead it just makes me scared,
A little hug is all i could bear.

I feel a let down a bad mother to,
I also feel a let down to you.

This poem was wrote when i got post natal depression after my first son this was a hard poem to write but i did it xx

Beside you

Your arms wrapped round me nice and tight,
Your always there when i've had a fright.
Your caring voice knows what to say,
Especially after i've had a bad day.

You make me feel safe and comfy,
Even when life makes me grumpy.
You put up with so much with me,
I just wish i could make you see.

You really mean the world to me,
I feel that i'm where i should be.
Standing here right infront of you,
Waiting to hold on tight to you.

I hope you know i care for you so,
Although by now i think you should know.
Your the person who makes me feel safe at night.
I'll hold onto you all nice and tight.

The silent scream

Deep down is the silent scream,
Your heart calling out to all.
When you sleep its in your dreams,
The tears of sorrow fall.

A empty space inside your heart,
The screaming never stops.
It comes and hits you like a dart,
soon your feelings pop.

Will anybody hear its call,
Deep in your silent soul.
If anybody hears my call,
Youll free the silent moan.

Fake mask

You see me with a smile, a laugh or a grin,
but never a frown a tear or a sin.
If only you knew what was behind this mask
the real me hidden away from the world,
many people come along and ask,
is this you i reply yes this is me but really its not.
I hurt inside and wish people knew
but instead i smile and laugh with you.
Behind closed doors the pain hurt and tears fall
but in the big open world im your friend on call.
So when you see me smiling and laughing remember
behind that mask is a face a face that people forget to remember.

Life is a boardgame

Ever felt like you’re in a board game
Just a piece in the puzzle with a name
You move forward a space And back some place
But uncertain when it will end.

You’re a piece in the puzzle
One of hundreds around
And once you start playing
For life you are bound

Life is a board game
You end where you start
The piece with a name
Goes out like a light.

One by one the pieces die off
Slowly but surely the game starts to end
You’re that piece in the game
Who died with a name?

For years you’ll be playing
This never ending game
I wonder if things will ever change
Or always remain the same.

Poem for Grandad

Im missing you so dear
But you hurd the angels say
There is nothing more to fear
You'll meet again some day
You have to go your time has come
your job on earth you have now done
Loved ones will miss you tears will fall
But they will never forget your call
They'll miss you more and more each day
you will most probably hear them say
Where are you i miss you so dear
But now atlast there is no fear.

Streetwise 2000

Streetwise helps you get together.
Trust in them to help you get better.
Respond to them in anyway.
Even if you'r having a bad day.
Everyone's there take off your coat.
Together we can get out of this boat.
Whatever the problem their always there.
It's their way to show us how they care.
Streetwise 2000's the place to go
Everyone shout out young people need to know.

Sleep tight phoebe may

Looking at the stars in the sky,
Phoebe may we still ask why?
You was taken away with wings like a dove,
You slipped away leaving hearts of love.

3 year has passed and your still missed dear,
But precious baby angel do not fear.
Your memory will forever live on,
Were just broken hearted that your gone.

In loving memory of a beautiful baby girl
This poem is to show phoebe mays family how much i care.

Love you so much cathy and family


Phoebe may born 14.11.08 sadly passed away 14.11.08 xxxx

Christmas angel

The angels came from heaven and took you up above
You flew away so gently our perfect turtle dove
Our hearts have not stoppped aching since you went away
We talk to you at night time when we sit and pray.

When you went to heaven and left us all alone,
A piece of me went with you but you have helped me grow.
In my dreams i see you with arms open wide,
I know your right here by me standing by my side.

Your with me when im angry, happy, mad or sad,
I may not see you next to me my angel grandad.
Your always in my heart no matter what life brings,
Every memory is so clear to me even when i sing.

I think of how proud you'd be to see me as a mum,
I know your watching over me maybe one day you will come.
Look over us this christmas grandad your always in our thoughts,
Loving dreams about you grandad and none of them are bought


When will i see you again?

When will i see you again
When the clouds form a arch
There you will be
Forever deep in my heart

I see that look in your eyes
The way you disguise
It's the way you look at me
Tell me what do you see?