Tuesday 18 March 2014

Minds eye

Sometimes goodbye seems the only was out
If only I could talk and let my feelings shout
I'm sick of feeling so hurt and alone
Even though people are on the end of the phone.

Time and time I hear I'll always be here
Where are they when I'm living in fear.
Fear of the unknown fear of what's to come
My head is all over the place I'm feeling quite numb

Why can't I just let go of my mind
Is it stupid that I am always so kind.
Who can I trust and who can I not
I have become the person friends forgot

So don't miss me when I walk away
Know that you turned your back that day
The day that I needed you and you wasn't there
I now know which people actually care.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

7 years already

7 years its been since you said you last goodnight.
I wish that I could hold one last time id hold tight.
You left us with a broken heart and tears upon our face
One day we will be together again in a resting place.
Grandad I miss you so much I want you by my side
This year im making you proud and being Simons bride.
My heart still aches so much for you my angel up above
Today im sending upto you lots of my eternal love.
Forever in our hearts your memory will live on
Even though it's 7 years since we found out you had gone.
The feathers that have fallen remind me your still here
Even if they make me cry and shed a tear.
Im saying goodnight grandad your always in my mind
Were looking after nanna shes the only one of her kind.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

No longer fear

Sometimes the ones we love the most are blind when we are hurting
Sometimes we need to get the strength and let them know were hurting
They may well cry but will be there when you need to be help close
No one but them are by your side and who can love you the most.
Dont be afraid of failing because someone always has your back.
They will always be there for you when you feel ready to crack.
Hold your loved one closely they are the reason you are still here.
No longer do you need to fear as your loved one is now near.