Thursday 30 May 2013

Riley babe

You are my little churub my smiley little boy
You make me smile and laugh and you bring me joy
Your a happy little brother to the old two
But they love to play with you now that you have grew.
They love it when your playing and even when you sleep
They can be noisy round you or tiptoe on their feet.
You are the baby brother you have so much to do
Always remember that no matter we all love you xxxxx

6 years grandad

Tonight ill look up at the sky
and look for you shining bright
6 years ago you left without goodbye
I think of the call I got that night
I miss you now like I missed you then
I wish so much I could see you again.
Your my angel and my guiding light
So shine bright in the sky tonight.

Miss you so much grandad wish you was here to see your gorgeous great grand children love you forever and always. Until we meet again fly high special angel xxxxxx

Baby angels

Playing in the clouds above but you should be right here
You'll always be remembered so this you shouldn't fear
So close to our broken hearts is where you'll always be
Just make sure you look over us and this you will always see
So open up your angel wings and fly high up in the sky
The hardest thing was loosing you and having to say goodbye x


Mummy you mean the world to me
Although I can't yet speak I know you'll see
My loving smile speaks so many words
Even when I have you getting up at the sound of birds
You know all those times that I lay here and coo
That sound I make tell you that I love you 
I smile so you know that I know that you care
Mummy I know that you'll always be there x